Friday, March 21, 2014

One SINGLE Night Out

Once upon a time, two single,college students went out for a night on the town. Those college students were my friend from high school and myself and the night on the town consisted of us going to Steak and Shake and promptly returning home at 10.

We sat and chatted, did the normal "girl talk" that friends always have. We got our food, still chatting about unnecessary things when her cell phone rang. It seems as if she forgot about a work meeting and the company was waiting on her. She gathered her stuff, placed a nice crispy ten dollar bill on the table, and left claiming that we'll get together again.

I sat eating my four dollar cheeseburger and wondered two things: Who has a work meeting at nine at night on a Thursday and What would I have done if this wasn't a friend. What if this was my first date?

I've always believed that friends are the only people we can never forget about. Its like they know more about us than we know ourselves. They are the mirrors we can't avoid(I stole this line from SATC).

But are there somethings we shouldn't tell them? How do we know when to stop?

There seems to be levels of friendship: the acquaintances, the friends and the best friends. The acquaintances we know, but we haven't quite said more than three words to them. The friends are the ones we see everyday, these are the people we small talk with. The best friends are the people we can't miss, the ones that scream at each other when passed in the halls. The ones we always talk to when we're in need. The ones that might know too much about you. Or vice-versa.

Acquaintances won't show up in times of need.

Friends will be there with a helping hand.

Best friends will be there with a helping hand, laughing at you, making sure that your life isn't really that shitty.

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