Sunday, March 30, 2014

No Air, No Time

It always turns out that whenever you’re in a cramped place, the person who is the complete opposite sits next to you. You have to put up with their shit until the end when you can part ways, never to see each other again.

That’s where I find myself. Sitting next to my mother in a cramped airplane without heat. And the woman sitting next to her, I’ll call her pinkie, hasn’t stopped complaining since we boarded. She sits with her legs crossed, her fingers taping away on her Iphone and doing that occasional grunt sigh thing.

Yes, its hot and cramped but the other passengers haven’t complained once and pinkie is about to walk to New York. It’s when the flight attendants started handing out water bottles that Pinkie flew off her rockers. She stood up, put her glasses on and walked to the front of plane.

I’m not sure what she wanted do, but she hasn’t returned. I’m sure she stalked off and started walking to New York.

Pinkies action got me wondering though, Why do we always want the things we cant have?

Is it for a chase? An adventure? Some things, people go after for years and years. Sometimes, It’s a simple few seconds or minutes. Waiting for that simple something, makes us the people we are today. Shows the true side of the character life is making us out to be.

Soon be told, the air came back on.

So did pinkie. She was carrying a soda taking her time to call each and every contact in her phone complaining that the soda was too high in sugar.

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