Saturday, April 19, 2014

Spring Breakmance

We all dream of a perfect spring break. One where the sun shine’s, the roads are empty and the people are always willing to party, every minute of everyday. We all dream of having a perfect romance during spring break, which I TM’d Spring Breakmance.

Depending on when your spring break is, usually the end of March, these things will come naturally. My spring break happens at the end of April, which means none of these have happened… yet. I still have a whole week and many, many things can happen. Right?

But, like many great things, all things must come to end. This statement got me wondering, “Why?” Why do all great things have an expiration date?

My mother and I drove up to town, in a search for an extra income. During the short drive, we got to talking about Grace Kelly. Actress turned princess turned tragic death case. Which I know is semi-resolved. She had an amazing career, winning an Oscar for one of her movies. She married a prince and moved to one of the most beautiful countries in the world.

This idea of expiring held my attention as my mother walked into her interview. Which was in a nursing home. As I looked around, the women being pushed in wheelchairs, the men, being pushed by their wives. One couple stood out in particular. She was asking her husband who visited him lately. He stared at her in a blank way. She wanted to know who gave him Easter flowers. And he couldn’t remember. It’s like the memory of the last few days, expired the minute she asked him.

I thought to school. The projects we stressed about, the people we met all sooner or later went away. Summer break has to be one of the fastest three months, I’ve ever experienced. The reason why things expire, or the only one I can come up with, is to make us love that thing with all that we have. Even if the thing that expires is milk or, god forbid, people.

We left the interview with another paycheck coming in. Mom starts Monday. My spring break started today.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You're a beautiful writer! Just the way you write could make anything appealing.