Wednesday, April 2, 2014

The Long Road Part 2

It takes me about three hours and twenty minutes to come home and back to school again. I spend about two hours and thirteen minutes yelling and screaming at people to "Move their ass," or "Get out of the fast lane if you aren't going over eighty." After venting my anger on whoever decides to get in front of me, I continue singing at the top of my lungs.

So, there I was, at exit 23 on Interstate 4, when traffic stopped moving all-together. We inched up, slowly and slowly and then stopped for what seemed like twenty three minutes. Being that I couldn't yell, scream or curse at anyone I looked around.

I looked at the cars, what style they were, color and make. I looked at the people driving them. Many were from out of town and had those horrible hats, protecting their faces from the blast of the sun. Many of them looked back me, wondering what I was doing looking at them.

I looked at bumper stickers, the ones covering every inch of useable space. One caught my eye. Well, one has been catching my eye. It has one word on it and the background is black, sometimes blue. The letters are white and anyone can see it from a mile away.


I can only imagine it has something to do with the homasexuals (spelled wrong for a reason). And this sticker got me thinking:Are we the stickers on our bumpers? Are we really coexisting? Is your student really on the honor roll or is that from another kid and you just never took it down?

As traffic started to move again I thought about the states that haven't approved gay marriage. They sure as hell aren't "coexisting".  I thought about the people who don't approve it at all, who scream marriage is just between a man and woman.

Having that bumper sticker means that you can coexist in a world without racism, prejudice or hate. It makes me believe that your kid really is on the honor roll and that you really have four dogs.

As traffic started moving at a descent pace, I stopped screaming and cursing at everyone who was going slow.

My one good deed for the rest of the month.

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