Tuesday, April 15, 2014

"Can I get your nudes?"

The only way to deal with an eight hour is to have a teacher who is quite the looker and cracks great jokes. This is a rare find, as many teachers are deemed old and cranky, but since I don’t go to a normal school anything is possible. I said quite the looker because he is extremely cute, even with his balding hair and hipster clothing. It’s his personality that I find even more attractive.

Today, he told us a story about his old high school. I forgot to mention he is nearing his late thirties, but age is just a number right? His old band teacher, who will be unnamed, was caught digitally penetrating a young female student.

Digitally penetrating?  What the fuck does that mean? Did he take a picture of his ding-ding and send it to her? Did she take of picture of the picture he sent her? How? WHO IN THE HELL COMES UP WITH THIS SHIT?

As class raged on, my mind only thought about these questions. Is multimedia the new sex? Is the question, “Can I get your nudes?” replacing, “Can I get your number?”

I asked my friends about sexting during a break. We all went around the table, and generally said the same thing, “Its okay if you’re in a committed relationship. If not creepy and fucked up.”

“I had a friend, her boyfriend sent her a dick pic over snapchat.”  We all looked at this girl, the one who stayed quiet during class. Snapchat is a good way of sending nudey pics; its there for seven seconds and disappears forever.

“Unless someone screenshots it.”

But still, my thoughts went unanswered. Why are we doing this? Is it to always be immortalized? I thought to celebrities. When they post a nude, if they even do, people will always remember them as being that celeb that posted a nude. The same with politicians.  Or angsty teenagers.

As I left class, my thoughts came up with an answer. We do it because we can. We have the tools right at our fingertips. And maybe, it makes us feel free. Or some shit like that.

I googled what digital penetration was. Its what you think it is, except it involves gloves.

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