I’m sitting in the darkened movie theater waiting for Interstellar to start when I saw a trailer
that changed my life. A new movie staring Jessica Lange, queen of everything,
queen of TV and the only reason why I watch “American Horror Story.”
That’s a lie I watch AHS because it’s great, scary, funny,
quirky and extremely entertaining not to mention the fact that almost EVERYONE
on that show is hot. Hello, Zachary, Evan, Finn and Dylan I’m looking at you.
So anyway, this movie with my queen is about a guy getting
second chances and he’s a gambler or whatever and then some shit happens and
who cares JESSICA LANGE is in it. Its called The Gambler, watch the trailer on your own time. It actually looks
pretty good.
Interstellar. Can
we talk about Interstellar? A three
hour long Christopher Nolan film that takes us where Gravity left off. You see, Gravity
took us to space and Interstellar
took us to space, made a left, a right and a few stops along the way. It was
mind blowing. The visuals, the acting (I love me some Anne Hathaway, hello I
saw Les Miserables six times) and the
script was strong. I’m dying to get my hands on that screenplay.
A couple of days ago my professor gave us the Gone Girl screenplay. OMGOSH STUNNING.
One hundred and seventy-seven pages, the longest screenplay I’ve read. If you
haven’t seen that movie I’m judging you hardcore. Side note, everyone says the
Ben has a nude scene but… where? I looked all over that film, up, down, left
and right and saw NOTHING.
That’s a lie, the Titanic
screenplay ends on page two hundred and three.
Lies. Lies. Lies. Joe tell us the truth, shit. The truth is Interstellar is amazing and if you don’t
see it I’m judging you hardcore. It was... here it comes... out of this world! The only problem, the only slim problem I have
with the movie, is Matthew McConaughey. I’m ready for everyone to shout at me. I
don’t know why, he’s a great actor and everything (he got the Oscar he
deserved) but it’s his voice, the way he draws out everything and holds
syllables and shit like that. I know it’s just me and that I’m crazy…. But… who
Judge me hardcore- I've not seen Interstellar yet, but Tony and I saw Gone Girl and...IT WAS AMAZING. THE SCREENPLAY IS AMAZING. The author of the book actually wrote the screenplay and did one hell of a job. There was an article in Entertainment magazine about it.
It's pretty amazing you are into film and screenplays. I've not met anyone else who is!
- Erin (Jessica's friend and Tony's girlfriend aka your awkward acquaintance xD)
I'm all about that Gone Girl life. If it doesn't get nominated for anything at the Oscars I'm probably gonna cry. I love screenplays they're basically ALL I read now! Thanks Erin!
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