Thursday, July 31, 2014

Officer Officer

Saying goodbye to my roommate was the second hardest thing I had to do today. Seeing the flashing red and blue lights in my rearview mirror was the first. I kept driving, paying little attention to the lights. I started freaking out when the sounds came on. I wondered how could I be in trouble? What have I done? Have the six red light runs finally caught up to me?

I watched as he got out of his cruiser, picked up his pants and spit. He fixed his sunglasses and at this point I’m sweating bullets. Calm, cool and collected. Calm, cool and collected; I kept repeating to myself though I didn’t feel calm, cool and collected. I felt nervous, scared and a little pee dripping down my legs.

He tapped on my window with his right middle finger knuckle. I rolled my window down; and it seemed as if it took forever. “You know you were doing eighty-eight in a seventy?" Officer officer asked.

I could play dumb, “Oh, I was. Well jolly, I guess I was. Oh darn silly of me.”
Or I could play smart, “I know I was officer. It was a terrible mistake and I’ll never do it again. Actually, for everyone’s sake just arrest me now.”
But I played cocky writer, “I know. I guess I’m just one of kids who thinks the law is below me. I’m going to visit my mom she lives about thirty minutes away.”

“Well this is a federal offense so I’ll have to see your license. Is the car registered under your name?”
“No, my mothers,” I said, handing him my license with the out-dated picture of me on it.
“All right we’ll you sit tight. I’ll be right back,” officer officer said as he slinked back to his cruiser.

I watched him in the rearview mirror. Watched as he typed into his computer. Watched as he brings up my file and sees the pervious run ins I had with the law. I wondered if I would get jail time. I wondered how much the ticket would be. I started playing with my school badge; my third arm in other cases. I never the left apartment without it and today was no different. Officer officer came back to my car.

“Well, Joseph I’m going to give you a warning. Just remember that over twenty-five can land you in prison.”
“I will Officer. Thank you, officer. I’ll never speed again.”
“Are you a Full Sail student?”
Wait. How did he know that? I didn’t know how to answer him until he pointed to my chest.
“Yes. I am.”
“My son wants to go there for Computer Animation. Its just so expansive.”
Officer officer telling me as if I didn’t know. “I know that’s why I’m moving back home.”
“What are you there for?”
“Creative Writing.”
“For like the movies and stuff? Yeah were gonna see Guardians of the Galaxy tonight.”
Did my forehead now read Officer Officers diary?
“Are you?! I heard its great.”
“Alright well I’ll let you get home. Promise me you won’t speed. I’ll follow you about two miles then you’re off by yourself.”
Officer officer started to walk about to his car. I took a deep breath and rolled my window up.
“Tell me how the movie is!”

I’m sure he didn’t hear me.

1 comment:

menopausal mama said...

Glad you didn't get the ticket. I haven't been pulled over in years, so I'd probably die if I saw those lights flashing in my rearview mirror. I'm a crappy enough driver as it is…..and I hope I didn't just jinx myself.