Thursday, January 8, 2015

The Homo Whisperer's Silence....BROKEN

I know. I know. “Look who’s finally back.” I know. I did take a little blog break to focus on my own personal projects for a bit, not to mention catching up on reading, watching movies and getting to that long awaiting schoolwork that NEEDED to be done. In a way I become the Homo Silencer and not the Homo Whisperer.

Homo Silencer makes me sound like I’m spy. He’s tough, he’s a spy, he wears last years Gucci, and he’s the Homo Silencer. TM by Joe Russo.

But I'm back and I'm ready for the New Year to bring some great surprises. But first lets talk about you guys?! How were your holidays? Mine were quiet, food and family filled.

Christmas eve my sisters surprised us by coming home! She came in the morning of and me, still sound asleep, only awoke to the sound of the front door latch turning footsteps. I slipped out of my bed, getting ready for what I wasn’t sure but still I was ready to fight. I opened my bedroom door and almost gave my sister a left hook. Has she not learned anything living with us the past twenty-two years? Shit. Can’t just come up and scare a brother like that. Brother. Ha-ha. Get it.

Christmas Day gave me twenty three new screenplays, all used of course, a set of Spark Plugs for my car (it stopped working on me one day just turned off right in the turning lane), thirteen new DVD's (nine of them belong to the great Woody Allen) and new clothes bought, of course, at Macy's (the one day sales are great. I got four Alfani shirts for a dollar. A DOLLAR.) 

Let me see what else happened. Well, New Year’s Eve I went bowling with some friends (dollar games are my shit even though I was horrible. My high score was a fifty-nine), came home and got drunk with my mother and passed out, roughly, at twelve-fifteen.

I started 2014, fuck, 2015, don’t even start with me I know about half of you made the same mistake AT LEAST once these eight days, with a real bang and got offered a full time position at Macy’s! They called me in real early, eight A.M to be exact, and my store director waited for me outside her office. I wondered if this was a bad meeting or good? “Are you a good with or a bad witch?” I went with bad because the store director wore her leopard print high heel boots that went up to the knee. Talk about fierce girl, damn. The last time she wore those a co-worker left crying.

We walked into her office and there, smiling, was my manager. The store director took her seat, clasped her hands in front of her and asked, “Joe do you have a full time job?”
“Would you like to work for us full time?”
“Sure! I love you guys! And your boots,” I say.
“You like? Im trying them for the first time,” my store director says.
“I really like. I wish I can wear shoes like that but if I did my hip would be dislocated.”

Gosh I feel like so much has happened but, really, nothing has happened. I started a new play called “The Rainbow Monologues”, finished the first act and SHOULD be starting the second act tomorrow. I got another poem published, my sixth publication (why am I still working at Macy’s?), and its called “Marilyn Monroe.”

But I do have to say… I missed you guys. Kisses and hugs… have a great year…


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